
Bach Flower Remedy for Pets with Agression Problem.

Bach flower remedy consisting of :Holly, Beech, Impatiens and Vine

Holly - hatred, envy and jealousy
Beech - intolerance
Impatiens - impatience
Vine - dominance and inflexibility

There is always a reason for aggressive behaviour of a pet. It may be the pet�s nature that it gets charged up quickly. Aggression is a behaviour that may be justified. Dogs and cats are predators used to defend themselves. The fact that they have got very close to humans through taming should not let us forget that even cute kittens can hiss and scratch if they want to express their displeasure about something.

A pet cannot stand too much closeness; it always needs enough room to be sure of its identity. If this is not allowed even the kindest pet can attack with and without prior warning and become aggressive. Threatening gestures and protest actions like biting, scratching or tearing (fur, feathers) also belong into this category.�

As a rule, tamed pets are only aggressive when they are self-confident because in such a moment they revolt against humans or they ignore them.

If the human is unstable, weak and tends to give in, the pet notices it and will compete against the pet owner. Then dominance problems occur. Who is the boss?

There must be a hierarchy in the family environment so that the pet can take its position, which has to be as boss. As a consequence, the pet owner must help to restore order. If frequent attacks occur, in particular unpredictable ones, a holistic veterinary should be consulted who can examine the animal psychologically or kinesiologically as to what the reason for the behaviour is.

What Should Owners Do?

If a pet is aggressive, be calm. Stop and concentrate on your solar plexus. That is an important energy centre in the stomach area. Put your hands on this spot and concentrate on sending the following mental message to your pet: �That�s it.� Imagine that an imaginary line is drawn around you as if you would draw with your outstretched arms. Make sure that the pet cannot attack you.�

After that, you put about 10 globules into the drinking water and you simply withdraw. The calmer you behave the quieter the pet gets. The Bach flower remedy will do its work straightening out the emotional waves and get the animal centred. Repeat the dosage daily until you get the impression that the aggression is disappearing.

It is important to think about the cause of the aggressive behaviour of your pet. Try to send clear messages to your pet and give it the space it requires and needs. A self-confident pet that is getting aggressive wants less closeness and demonstrates this clearly to you.

Additional Tips

Blue light soothes the aroused emotions of the pet and green light brings it into balance. First turn on the blue light for an hour and after that the green light for half an hour. The pet should have the possibility to leave the light if it wants to.

Advice for aggressive parrots, kakadus or aras:Fixate the bird with your eyes and put on your strongest look and do not speak any word because otherwise it becomes more aggressive.

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