SC 157 Poisoning
Composition 100 g solution contains:
. Arsenicum album
C 6
C 6
10 g
10 g
Excerpts from tested ingrediences in accordance with diagnosed disease:
ARSENICUM ALBUM Causes diarrhoea with vomiting, general weakness, deterioration, cyanosis, unrest, cold sweat, impaired breathing, dry cough and diffuse diarrhoea. Rapid deterioration of strength, progressive loss of strength and weight, also leading to collapse. Secreta pungent, causing sores. Rotten smell. Tendency to bleeding. Loss of appetite and aversion to food, restlessness, pulse rate increased, weak and irregular. Heartbeat with shivering and weakness. Acute and chronic catarrh of the intestines, especially after the intake of bad meat.
OKOUBAKA Posttoxic condition after different types of poisoning. Impaired digestion.